Turtle Fur Supports The Sunshine Kids Foundation

Turtle Fur Donates $865 to The Sunshine Kids Foundation
December 30th 2015 – Update to 12/15/2015 Press Release - Turtle Fur is pleased to continue their month of giving with a donation to support the Sunshine Kids Foundation. This donation will help the Sunshine Kids Foundation provide fun and exciting activities and support for young patients who are bravely fighting cancer.
Turtle Fur Supports The Sunshine Kids
December 15th 2015 - From December 15th through 21st, Turtle Fur will donate $1.00 for every product purchased to The Sunshine Kids Foundation as part of Turtle Fur’s Month of Giving campaign.The Sunshine Kids Foundation adds quality of life to children with cancer by providing them with exciting, positive group activities, so they may once again do what kids are supposed to do . . . have fun and celebrate life!
About The Sunshine Kids
The Sunshine Kids is a non-profit organization dedicated to children with cancer. Established in 1982, we are committed to providing positive group activities and emotional support for young cancer patients. The Sunshine Kids provides a variety of programs and events, free of charge, for kids who are receiving cancer treatments in hospitals across North America.