Pro Purchase Program
Our Pro Purchase Program is designed to put Turtle Fur products on the heads and necks of everyday adventurers. To apply for the Turtle Fur Pro Purchase Program please email propurchase@turtlefur.com and include verification documents (guide or instructor license, pay stub, etc.) for review.
eligible pros include:
- Guides – fishing, mountaineering, snow sports, travel, river, hunting, and other professional outdoor sports guides
- Media Personnel
- National Ski Patrol Members/Ski & Snowboard Patrollers
- PSIA-AASI Members/Ski & Snowboard Instructors
- Yoga & Fitness Instructors
- Retail Shop Staff
terms & conditions:
Products ordered are for personal use only. Turtle Fur reserves the right to limit quantities ordered and pricing is subject to change without notice. All sales are final and based on current availability. Excludes Custom Knit Hats. Turtle Fur has the sole discretion to decide eligibility in program, affiliation with the above groups does not guarantee acceptance.