11.07.2017 - BRAVO! 734 lbs of food donated to Thanksgiving For All!

Drum roll please....
The results are IN for the non-perishables & pet food/treat collection that took place throughout the course of our 2-day 2017 Factory Sale in Vermont. We spread the word that anyone and everyone in attendance would receive a free Turtle Fur fleece headband in exchange for bringing a food item donation for our local food shelf and/or a pet food product, treat or toy for the pups and kittens at our local animal shelter. Our motto for Thanksgiving, after all, is that no one goes hungry - whether on two feet or four.
As per the usual, our attendees and fellow Vermonters did not disappoint! We beat last year's collection results by a few hundred lbs (combined). We're over the moon that so many of you came out in full force with cans of food in hand to help others have a better Thanksgiving this month.
Thanks to all in attendance who brought an item to the sale, Turtle Fur was able to collect 596 lbs of food to donate to the Lamoille Community Food Shelf! That's over a quarter-ton!
As for our furry pals at the North Country Animal League, a whopping 138 lbs of food, treats & toys were donated by the weekend's close.
Thank you to all who came in and donated to these two great causes! Please check out what else you can do to support these great organizations by clicking on the links below for more information: