Paid Volunteer & Civic Time Off Benefit Announcement

With its strong company value of supporting the community, Vermont brand, Turtle Fur, announces eight hours of paid time off for employees to participate in volunteer activities and civic engagement.
Morrisville, VT – Turtle Fur has long believed in the importance of being engaged in the community. To support that belief, the team at Turtle Fur has put together a new employee benefit: an additional day of paid time off for volunteering and civic engagement. The intention of the policy is to allow employees the flexibility to participate in volunteer opportunities that occur during the work week, to vote in local and national elections, to participate in Town Meeting Day (a uniquely Vermont form of democratic government), or any other way that employees can give of themselves in a way that helps better the world.
“Our team has always been involved in the community and passionate about helping others. We saw this as an opportunity to make it easier for our team to give back and get involved.” – Stephanie Krukar, Human Resources Manager
The new benefit was announced to employees via company newsletter on September 3, 2020, and takes effect immediately with each employee getting the full eight hours to use during this fiscal year. Each April, employees will get a reset to eight hours of time to use over the next year.