Winter Running Made Possible with Turtle Fur

Winter Running Made Possible with Turtle Fur
Run. This word has dual meaning for me during Vermont’s snowy winter months. The statement, “I’m going for a run after work,” could mean one of two things: either I am headed to the chairlift up Mt. Mansfield for a blissful ski down not being followed by children (#skiinstructorlife), or it could mean I am actually going running. The latter definition usually receives side-eye looks from friends and co-workers, and I can’t say I blame them!
I admittedly have never been the best at maintaining strong running habits through the colder, darker months spanning from November to March; however, this season I made a commitment to run year-round. Currently, my best days are filled by racking up my run count at Stowe Mountain Resort followed by racking up miles on the road.
With these simple tricks, you too can go from ski boots to running shoes:
- Plan and prepare. By keeping a headlamp, reflective vest, Yaktrax and extra Turtle Fur in my car all I really need to remember are my running shoes! The Yaktrax Run set retails for around $40.00 and is a valuable means of enhancing your traction while braving the slush, ice, or packed powder. The early darkness also makes it crucial to illuminate yourself. The super-bright 200 lumen Black Diamond Cosmo Headlamp makes me feel much safer hitting the road at night, and is the right price at $29.95. Bonus points: For day time, my hair saving Ponytail Conquest Beanie rules for ear warmth and style; at night, it's easy to shine even brighter by wearing a Reflective Turtle Fur beanie!
- Keep your momentum going. I am always layered up at the mountain, it makes it easy to hop out of my shell and jog in my base layers. I know if I go home, sit down, and get distracted by my cats, the chance of me actually running decreases by the minute. If I recycle the outfit I wore skiing I can keep my turn-around-time short and not lose momentum! Fortunate to have two local recreational paths on my drive home, sometimes I make it a point to run before even giving myself the chance to get cozy and lazy indoors.
- Find a friend! Making a concrete plan to conquer miles with a training buddy can make the world of difference. Nobody wants to be the one that backs out because it is “too cold outside.” Plus, facing the cold with company magically seems to make it feel warmer!
- Set a goal. I undoubtedly do my best running, and am the most consistent, when I am training and motivated to accomplish something. Last fall proved how valuable a training calendar is when I conquered my goal of running a Boston Marathon Qualifying time during The AACR Philadelphia Marathon. So, what is next? For my New Year’s Resolution, I have given myself until the end of January to pick my next big race. Stay tuned for a future blog post highlighting how the training is unfolding!
- Never leave the house without a Comfort Shell Totally Tubular. I wear one during all cold weather activities, sometimes even more than one at a time! I even keep an emergency one in the car (because let’s face it, you never know when adventure will strike!). The ability to wear it covering your head and ears, or down around your neck and cheeks makes it an extremely versatile and practical accessory. When the mercury hits -10F or colder, it's time to switch over to the Turtle Fur Neckula Neck Warmer, which boasts a double fleece lining for ultimate cold-weather protection.
Ultimately, winter running is possible with a plan and a few extra essentials. Where skiing has previously veered me off track of my running goals, I now think of it as a warm-up. I challenge you to add up the mileage this winter! Your legs will thank you in the spring!
Winter Running Related Products:
- Women’s Neck Warmers
- Women’s Performance Headbands
- Women’s Gloves
- Women’s Beanies
- Men’s Neck Warmers
- Men’s Performance Headbands
- Men’s Beanies