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Turtle Fur

DEI Work at Turtle Fur

diversity, equity, inclusion

At Turtle Fur, we are committed to making the outdoors inclusive to all who wish to play outside.

We recognize that this work starts internally and are thus taking steps to make our workplace more diverse, inclusive, and equitable.

We recognize both our privilege and the historic injustices done to black, indigenous, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized communities in the outdoor industry. Although we cannot undo the wrongs committed in the past, we can start to make strides forward to a future that makes outdoor spaces safer and more inviting for these communities.

For any questions about Turtle Fur's DEI work, please contact

Turtle Fur


To have a more diverse and inclusive outdoor industry – both at the business level, and in the outdoor spaces we love to play in.

We are committed to ensuring that our practices, our products, and our people are contributing to creating safe spaces for our friends and neighbors, regardless of race, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, ancestry, place of birth, citizenship status, or physical or mental disability.

action plan:

action plan:

  1. Educate employees on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, making Turtle Fur a better place to work.
  2. Financially support local, regional, and national initiatives to make the outdoors safe for all people and lowering barriers to entry for outdoor sports and programs.
  3. Work DEI practices into every facet of our business, from product design, to our marketing efforts, to our partnerships.

what we have going on:

what we have going on:

  • Training our employees on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion through the following:

    • Bi-weekly guided conversations
    • Share articles, books, and podcasts for further education
    • Quarterly presentations mandatory for all employees about the state of Turtle Fur as it relates to DEI work.
  • Conducting annual employee surveys to gauge how our employees are feeling in regards to their treatment at Turtle Fur, as well as how they view diversity, equity, and inclusion at Turtle Fur.
  • Partnering with organizations that promote inclusivity in outdoor spaces.

what we have going on:

what we have going on:

  • Revisiting our employee handbook and both workplace and hiring practices to ensure all employees feel as though they can bring their whole self to work – from the interview process, through to their last day.
  • Requiring our marketing efforts to be more inclusive through the following:

    • Better representation in lifestyle photography, including the BIPOC, LGBTQ+, plus size, and disabled community
    • Hiring freelancers from diverse backgrounds
    • Inclusive language in all marketing
    • Reviewing product and fabric names to ensure there are no instances of cultural appropriation
  • Active member of Vermont Businesses For Social Responsibility (VBSR), with DEI team members attending trainings and having discussions with other Vermont businesses on how we can make our workplaces and the state of Vermont more inclusive.


Inspiring an outdoor lifestyle by promoting socially and environmentally conscious living and creating comfortable products for every adventure(r).

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At Turtle Fur, we have an obligation to operate all facets of our business sustainably. We are committed to ensuring the well-being of our communities by preserving and protecting the outdoors for future generations to enjoy.

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